Saturday, 19 May 2012

Monday 14th May - Confirmation 2012

After months of preparation, our five candidates were confirmed by BIshop Malcolom McMahon OP at a moving service on Monday evening in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. A congregation of between seventy and eighty gathered to witness our candidates receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and to hear the Bishop talk about the way God calls us to a special task in the Church. The Feast day of St Matthias the Apostle gave his homily a special emphasis as Matthias was chosen from among the disciples to fill the vacant place among the twelve disciples.
After the Mass there was a joyful gathering in the parish room for refreshments with a cake specially decorated for the occasion.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

First Holy Communion

Sunday 13th May 2012

Today Sam made his First Holy Communion. After several months preparation and having made his First Confession a few weeks ago, Sam received Our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion for the first time. Children of the Liturgy Group read out their prayers for him during the Mass and he was surrounded by his family and friends on this happy day.